Advanced Skin Care

Advanced Skin Care

Our Advanced Facials and Medical grade treatments are performed by qualified medical aestheticians who are professionally trained experts on skin care. All advanced medical-grade facials are fully customized to your unique skin type and condition for optimal results. If you’re serious about maintaining or improving your skin, you should consider trying one of our advanced facials at your next visit.


Microneedling Treatments

Face / $325
Face/Neck / $375
Chest / add-on $250

Microneedling is remarkably effective for scarring, deep lines and wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone, stretch marks, large pores, lax and thinning skin. Improvement can be seen in as little as one treatment, but is recommended in a series of 3 to 6 sessions, spaced 4 weeks apart, and will continue to improve for up to six months after your final session.

*microneedle treatments include post treatment products.

VI Peels

Vitalize Peel / $185
Advanced Peel / $225
Purifying Peel / $250
Precision Peel / $275

Skin Classic

$75 per 15 min sessions

Our skin classic treatment removes:

*skin tags *broken capillaries
*cherry angiomas *hyperplasia
*keratosis *hyperpigmentation